US Construction and Demolition Legislation

construction site in Sandy Springs, GA
Construction and demolition (C&D) waste is one of the largest waste streams produced in the United States, during which concrete, wood bricks gypsum glass plastics comprises a large portion.

As of 2018, the U.S. generated about 600 million tons of basecamp Construction & Demolition (C&D) from building demolition operations and construction projects, representing over twice as much coverage that annual municipal solid waste production is responsible for each year according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

The management of this waste stream has been one of the major concern for environmentalist cause it may lead to environment impact, lost electricity generation & natural resources and higher land fil capacity. C&D waste legislation in the US is both federal, state and local driven, with numerous regulations going all around recycling, landfilling or reduction of C&D waste.

State and Federal Regulations

At the national level, C&D waste management is mostly regulated by the RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act), enacted in 1976. The RCRA created a cradle-to-grave system for managing hazardous and non-hazardous solid wastes, including waste from construction activities. However, C&D waste is generally considered non-hazardous and so it falls under the purview of less strict federal regulation that hazardous waste does.

The EPA issues regulations and guidance under RCRA for C&D waste management, but the actual policies in place are managed by state and local governments. The EPA role includes efforts to promote best practices for waste reduction and recycling, as well as developmental of technical assistance and grant programs in support on state and local ease initiatives.

One of the most important federal initiatives involving C&D wastes concerns a Federal Green Construction Guide for Specifiers; this provides instructions on how green principles apply to constructing projects, such as waste management strategies. The EPA also supports the Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) Program, which promotes sustainable materials and practices in construction, as well as demolition to minimize environmental impacts of building activities.

State-Level Legislation

In C&D waste, state governments play a more direct role with widely varying laws and regulations. Federal guidelines are in turn enhanced by program mandates for waste diversion, recycling and landfill management which have been passed into law via legislation at the state level for most states.


California remains C&D waste management goal leader around the country and has some tough regulations for reducing landfilling of wastes. Enacted in 2011, the California Green Building Standards Code (CALGreen), requires that a minimum of at least 65% of C&D waste generated from new construction and major renovations be diverted through recycling or reuse. It allows higher diversion rates in California where some cities are working toward zero waste goals by requiring additional sorting or other processing.

In California, these regulations are enforced through the state’s California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle), which offers information for contractors and builders to help them comply with diversion requirements. CalRecycle also administers grant and incentive programs to promote recycling of C&D waste, including development of facilities for processing these materials.


The C&D waste management policies of Georgia are just as progressive. The Solid Waste Master Plan for the state prescribed lofty targets for landfill diversion of C&D materials. For example, Georgia reportedly has waste bans on certain C&D materials (asphalt pavement, brick and concrete), which must be recycled rather than landfilled.

As such, the state oversees regulations regarding construction and demolition (C&D) waste management practices in Georgia, ensuring the Construction Industry plays a key role in protecting our environment. The state also provides assistance, resources and guidance for businesses to create a C&D waste management plan.


In Texas, management of C&D waste is largely regulated at the local level, with Austin and Houston being some examples. In Austin, a Construction and Demolition Recycling Ordinance mandates builders to recycle at least 50% of their C&D waste from going into the landfills. The city also has a special carrot for builders that achieves higher diversion: incentives – and resources to help them meet the ordinance.

Municipal and Other Permitting or Incentive Requirements

C&D waste is usually managed by local governments – especially in areas with a lot of construction such as urban regions. Municipalities all through the United States have instituted a few mandates and rewards for squander decrease, reuse however reusing.

New York City

In its ongoing efforts to achieve zero waste by 2030, New York City has implemented a number of programs and policies designed to reduce C&D waste. Specific construction projects must in addition file waste management plans and report on recycling efforts under the city’s Construction and Demolition Waste Recycling Program. The city will also provide contractors with technical assistance and resources to comply with these requirements.


Seattle approaches C&D waste management from a fairly comprehensive perspective, offering mandatory recycling requirements for specific materials (e.g., concrete, asphalt, bricks and metal). In response, the city’s Construction and Demolition Ordinance mandates that projects must divert at least 70% of their C&D waste from landfills while enacting a certification program for recycling facilities under which they are required to achieve these benchmarks.

Incentive Programs

Many cities have mandates and incentives in place to promote the reduction or recycling of C&D waste As an example, San Francisco offers financial incentives for waste diversion and Portland, OR gives decreased permitting fees to projects that use sustainable building practices (including C&D management).

Unresolved Issues and Future Directions

While legislative and regulatory action have made strides in improving C&D waste management, there are considerable hurdles remaining. Unfortunately, differences in regulations from state to state and even from city to county has created an environment of confusion for contractors working across multiple jurisdictions. When it comes to recycling and processing C&D waste, the infrastructure is not equally distributed throughout the U.S., as some areas just do not have enough facilities or capacity in order for them to absorb all of this generated volume.

In the future, there will be more of an effort to design buildings that can be disassembled and materials recovered in a circular economy approach. Policymakers are has realized that building construction is a widespread influenced sector and the lack of sustainability in it can be reduced by adopting sustainable construction policies. In addition, improvements in technology (e.g., automated sorting and material recovery systems) are likely to promote greater efficiencies during the C&D waste management process.

Construction and demolition waste legislation is a complex maze of federal, state, local laws in the U.S. that continue to evolve over time. Even though the federal government provides general directives and support, state or local municipalities are often more heavily regulated on this large waste stream. As cities and the planet continue to urbanize, sustainability in C&D waste likely will only grow more important with ever stricture enforcement of regulations demanding it helping drive increased innovation around landfills or permitted facilities.

construction site in Sandy Springs, GA

Transform your garden waste into black gold with composting

composting in Pooler
Composting is an ancestral practice that is experiencing renewed interest today. Ecological and economical, it transforms garden waste into a valuable natural fertilizer. But how do you go about obtaining quality compost? And what are the essential steps to follow for successful home composting for better waste management?

What are the basics of composting

Practicing more composting will reduce the need for dumpster rentals! To successfully compost, it is crucial to understand the basic principles. First of all, it is essential to choose a suitable location for your compost pile. Opt for a place sheltered from the wind and accessible to facilitate the regular addition of waste. Also make sure the soil is permeable to promote air and water circulation.

Next, you need to know the essential elements to include in your compost. Green garden waste such as grass clippings, fresh leaves and vegetable scraps provide nitrogen needed for decomposition. Brown garden waste, such as dry branches, dead leaves and straw, provides carbon.

The stages of home composting

To obtain quality compost, it is essential to maintain a balance between green and brown waste. As a general rule, it is recommended to add an equal amount of green and brown waste to your compost pile. Alternate layers to allow even decomposition and avoid bad odors.

Aerate the compost regularly

Good ventilation is essential to boost the decomposition process. Stir your compost pile regularly using a fork or rake to oxygenate the microorganisms responsible for decomposition. Also be sure to maintain adequate humidity by lightly watering your compost if necessary.

Monitor compost temperature

Temperature is a key indicator of the effectiveness of your composting. Ideally, the compost temperature should be between 50°C and 65°C to facilitate rapid and efficient decomposition. Use a compost thermometer to monitor the temperature and adjust if necessary by adding scraps or aerating the pile.

The benefits of home composting

Home composting in Georgia has many advantages both environmentally and practically. By transforming your garden waste into a nutrient-rich natural fertilizer, you reduce your ecological footprint by limiting the amount of waste sent to landfill.

Even more, compost enriches the soil by improving its structure and fertility, which promotes plant growth and reduces the need for chemical fertilizers.

To preserve the environment

One of the main advantages of home composting is its contribution to preserving the environment. By reducing the amount of organic waste sent to landfill, you help limit greenhouse gas emissions, particularly methane, produced by the anaerobic decomposition of waste.

Better still, composting helps preserve natural resources by recycling the nutrients contained in garden waste.

Improve soil health

By enriching the soil with organic matter, compost improves its structure and fertility. The soil becomes more aerated, which promotes the circulation of air, water and nutrients to the plant roots.

In addition, compost acts as a natural fertilizer, providing plants with essential nutrients for their growth, such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. This reduces the use of chemical fertilizers, which is beneficial for both the environment and human health.

Home composting is actually a simple practice accessible to all that allows you to recycle garden waste while helping to preserve the environment. Just follow a few basic principles and invest a little time and effort to obtain a quality natural fertilizer to nourish your plants and enrich your garden.

Waste Mismanagement in the USA: Unveiling the Catastrophic Crisis

recycling in Albuquerque

Why waste management is so catastrophic in New Mexico

Only 16% of household waste is recycled in New Mexico. At issue: an organization of sorting and recycling that is far from optimal.

Misconceptions die hard. Thus, 42% of people questioned by waste management experts think that sorting actions are “a way to reduce waste production”. Half of household waste sorted in 2020. This objective set by the state of New Mexico seems completely out of reach. In fact, the share of household waste (excluding compost) recycled only rose to 23% in 2018 in the state of NM, compared to 17% in 2008, according to figures from EPA.

New Mexico is below the American average. It is notably ranked behind California (47% of household waste recycled). Faced with this overwhelming observation, onsumer associations denounced the management problems and the lack of information on the subject, in a recent study.

Managing organizations do not meet their waste management objectives

The polluter pays policy does not work, according to this website. Thus, within the framework of extended producer responsibility (EPR), the latter is responsible for managing the end of life of its products. In particular, it can use eco-organizations responsible for managing recyclable waste in communities.

But they do not achieve their objectives, even after using dumpster rentals. Regarding the recycling of packaging and glass, eco-organizations meet their specifications in, respectively, 25% and 10% of communities, notes the association. The company Eco-Emballages, for example, is supposed to recycle 75% of household packaging in 2019. It has very little chance of achieving this, estimates the EPA.

In addition, infrequent controls on waste producers encourage fraud: 5 to 10% of waste (in terms of weight) is not subject to any contribution.

And the sanctions would not be dissuasive enough according to the consumer association. They provide for an administrative fine, not always applicable, of up to 50,000 dollars for eco-organizations that do not meet their objectives.

A poorly informed consumer

Out of 80 products with sorting instructions analyzed by the association, only 20% have a pictogram, supposed to help NM residents have good sorting reflexes (a guide has also been published on this logo). In addition, 81% of products with the pictogram add other sorting logos, causing confusion for the consumer.

Therefore, it is difficult to navigate among “confusing” tri or green logos. A striking example: 59% of New Mexico people wrongly think that the “green dot” means recyclable, according to a survey of 632 people, conducted by the association.

Also, only 6% of the 80 products analyzed by the association indicate the recyclable part of the packaging.

Information campaigns miss their targets

The consumer association has calculated that only one dollar per inhabitant is devoted to prevention to encourage them to make the right choices, which is far from enough. Waste management expertshe investigated the reception of prevention messages by consumers. Only 40% of those questioned said they had already seen a waste prevention message.

More serious, misconceptions die hard. Thus, 41% of those questioned think that sorting actions are “a way to reduce waste production”.

Exploding costs for consumers

All these shortcomings are increasingly costly for New Mexico households. The latter saw their billing for the treatment of their waste (in the form of taxes in particular and indirectly on the prices of products subject to EPR) increase considerably, going from 1.25 to 1.75 billion dollars per year between 2008 and 2012.

Why You Should Rent A Dumpster

Santa Ana

If you really want to keep the area around your home clean and hygienic, then proper waste management is an essential. There are a lot of different ways to keep it clean, but if you want your things to be really well organized, then you should think about hiring a decent dumpster bin that is large enough to accommodate everything that you need to toss away.

Renting a dumpster bin is, without a doubt, a significant financial expenditure. What if it’s something you only need once? Let’s imagine you’re hosting a family get-together at your house, and you need somewhere to put all of the trash that always accumulates as a result. When you have a lot of trash and nowhere to put it, renting a dumpster is your best option.

You’re Hosting A Party

Hosting a party is one of the situations in which you can find it necessary to secure the services of a dumpster. Your home is sure to produce a significant amount of rubbish whenever it hosts a gathering of any kind, be it a family get-together or a weekend BBQ party. Because you are the host of a party, it is important that you keep your space in the appropriate condition.

Don’t underestimate the amount of trash that a get-together with family and friends may produce. If you don’t get rid of them correctly, they might have a harmful impact on the environment and the people around you. Your guests won’t have an excuse for dumping their trash in any other place because dumpsters are enormous and clearly visible.

You’re Working On A Home Renovation Project

Having your home remodeled is a physically and emotionally exhausting effort, but it can also be a dirty one. Among the debris you’ll create are hazardous materials like metal sheets, wood boards, and splintered nails. Anyone involved in the project should be protected from harm.

In order to keep everyone safe, it is necessary to properly dispose of the waste that is generated. Proper garbage management is made easier with the help of a reliable dumpster company. It is more often than you might imagine for people to be wounded on building projects that have been poorly handled.

You’re Moving To A New House

Moving from one home to another is a laborious task that requires a significant amount of work. A surprising amount of homeowners are caught aback by the amount of clutter that may be found strewn around their properties. It is strongly recommended that you get rid of these things rather than carrying them to your new home with you.

During the moving process, renting a dumpster might help you in maintaining a higher structure. The most crucial benefit is that it helps lighten the load you have to carry about while moving.

You’re Disposing Of Water-Damaged Items After A Storm

Disasters such as storm surge and a hurricane result in more unwanted waste being brought into your home. In addition to this, some of the goods in your home will get water damage as a result of these. There are two distinct approaches to taking with goods that have been harmed by water. You can also have them restored if you are able to do so. On the other hand, if they are damaged beyond the point of repair, they must be thrown away immediately.

Items that have been damaged by water have the potential to become the origin of a severe mold infestation. Mold is a prevalent problem in homes, and because it may cause major respiratory concerns, it needs to be treated as soon as possible.

You Have Waste That the Garbage Collector Can’t Handle

Garbage trucks are only allowed to remove certain items from your home due to health and safety regulations. It’s possible that your local garbage collection won’t take some of the items you wish to get rid of because of the location you’re in. You may find out what these are by visiting the website of the agency in your city that is responsible for handling rubbish collection.

Garbage collectors, in the vast majority of instances, will not take large, broken items such as televisions and refrigerators. You can make things simpler for yourself by renting a dumpster bin to use for throwing these things out.

Reasons For Building A Smaller House In 2022

It’s a good idea to think about building a smaller home in 2022. In addition to building your dream house, we’ve come up with a few good reasons to go small:

Isn’t It Amazing To Think About Living Without A Loan?

Many people who buy small homes don’t have to procure cash to develop their dream house. One of the best things about building or buying a small home is that it gives you more financial security & freedom because you don’t have to pay a mortgage.

Due to a health crisis or job loss someone may have to go through foreclosure or bankruptcy. You might even be able to make cash on your house by renting it out as a second vacation house.

Your small house can also protect you from changes in the market. As long as the housing market stays strong, your small house will never go “underwater” if you don’t have a loan.

Home Improvement Skills And An Experience You’ll Never Forget

Carpentry skills are needed to build a small home on your own, but many people build a small home as a way to learn new skills and become more self-sufficient.

With or without the help of a contractor, you can learn to build your dream house. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance to learn about building a house. You will be ready to obtain your building & design skills to the next level. With the Small House kit, it will be easy and quick to get the wood, flooring, siding, and roofing you need.

Every Decision You Make Is Yours To Make

You can choose to utilize a great floor plan that fits your tastes and needs, or you can go off a grid & design your own. When you talk about empowerment, building a small house is a great thing to do.

You decide how much money you spend on your home, how many changes you make, how much space you have, how eco-friendly it is, how it looks, and how it is built. So whether your preferences are modern or traditional, you may have a wide range of options to choose from.

There are extra costs for you when your house is fully contracted. From $60,000 to $80,000, custom home-builders can make small houses for you. You may not know what materials will be used to build your home, and you may not know how much it will cost. When you cut the price of labour & make decisions that stay within the budget, you can save up to 25% to 35% on the cost of building a small home.

When it comes to some jobs like waste management and dumpster rental, you should leave them to the professionals. But you can also do some of the work on your own. Regarding waste disposal, and you may have a good amount of construction materials to discard, then using a service like Myrtle Beach dumpster rentals can save you time and money. They fill bring all the junk to the nearest landfill, all you have to do is fill the bin.

People who know how their home is built and who make eco-friendly choices will feel good about their home and cut down on their carbon footprint. With small homes, you can also use energy alternatives like composting or low-flow wind, solar power, toilets, upcycled and recycled materials that suit your needs, and son on, to save money.

Rather Than Traditional Downsizing, This Is A Great Way To Go

Small homes have become more popular as a way to downsize. Even if you’re looking for something more customizable than a traditional retirement community, or you want something smaller and one-story for when your kids move out, small homes may be the answer!

There are many age groups who have more freedom when they downsize. This means that having less “stuff” makes people think about what’s important to them. This can change your life for the better!

A new place can be the perfect place for your hobbies, work, or new ways to live life & invest in yourself. It doesn’t matter what your reason is for moving, you can get exactly what you need. You can cut down. Enjoy yourself. You can lead a life you want.

Dumpster Rental and Recycling in Florida

Jacksonville, FL
If a hauler is to invest $25k + for a compartmentalized truck and if a recycling center is to be set up for $1.5M+ they need to be used.

The more folks on a collection route that recycle, the lower the cost per stop. This is especially true in rural areas in Florida that may have only 7 or 8 stops per mile as opposed to hundreds in the city.

Also to save precious landfill space, there may need to be a subsidy to offset the costs associated with recycling. This is market rational, not just Eco-friendly, when the avoided costs of land filling are considered.

Wouldn’t it make sense to just pass along that reduced cost to the consumers?

If it cost you $5 for each bag of mixed garbage to be hauled away, and $3 for each bag of separated recyclables to be hauled away, which would you choose?

Also, people could see why recycling can make sense, because they are saving their own money when they do it, rather than just complying (or not) with the new regulations. Most people these days look for recycling bins before throwing bottles, cans, etc. If the option to recycle is available, most people will take it, the money saved is just icing on the cake.

Florida Recycling

In rural parts of North eastern Florida, only a few of the local haulers offer recycling, such as the Orange Park waste haulers.

At this point for many of the haulers it is cheaper to collect only mixed trash @$2 a bag than to offer recycling. Consequently we’d guess about 15% of the total solid waste is being recycled. This includes commercial and bottle returns for deposit.

We need to get to about 30% by 2,000. To get the haulers to initiate recycling we have to assure them that the system will be used. By the way “we” refers to the local solid waste district. It will be much more expensive to collect recyclables. Either dual purpose trucks will have to be purchased or 2 runs will need to be made. And you can’t compress recyclables like you can mixed garbage.
What makes recycling viable is that rather than pay to unload the collected materials, the haulers may be able to get paid for it, reducing pollution in Florida in the process.

So it may cost $50 to collect a ton of trash and $120 to collect a ton of recyclables. But it cost $70 to dump the trash and they may get paid $20 for the ton of recyclables. Net of $120 for trash and $100 for recyclables.

How does recycling help waste management

Well without mandatory recycling, say 30% of customers don’t recycle. That raises the cost of collection of recyclables to say $160 per ton. Same mileage and almost same time for a run, but yield 30% less. By the way the figures we are using are our best guestimates without doing some serious calculations. These have been done in the past, we just don’t have them at our fingertips.

John Tierney’s Times article relied on sophistry to put across its message, replete with distortion and innuendo and rife with omissions. So sloppy was the reporting that by all rights the article should be ignored rather than dignified with a response.

Yet the truth must be defended, dignity be damned. Here, then, to get beyond the Times’ smoke screen, Rethink Paper responds to The New York Times’ untruths, skewed facts, unfounded assertions, and other distortions.

If overflowing landfills were the only environmental concern, Tierney’s argument might begin to make sense. Yet recycling addresses a host of environmental problems that Tierney ignored, including, for instance, the loss of forests–wild ecosystems, not tree-farms–logged to supply pulp for virgin-wood paper. Today almost half of all trees cut end up as paper, and the percentage is increasing.

FIFA 21 and video gaming addiction

FIFA gameA popular video game with yearly updates, FIFA 21 is getting released in two weeks and fans from all over the world have ants in their pants, as expectations build up. FIFA 21 can be downloaded online to play on a PC or mobile device, or it can also be played on playstation.

This is a good opportunity to ask ourselves about the risks of gaming addiction and how this could potentially harm your mental health, or your children’s mental health.

The risk of playing of video games

Excessive playing of video games can pose a danger to young people. Establishing some rules is essential to protect them. Zoom in on the signs of this form of dependence, possible care and prevention solutions.

Audience most sensitive to video game addiction

It is mainly young people who are exposed to video game addiction. However, cases of severe pathological addiction are quite rare.

The greatest risks of addiction concern network games and in particular multi-player role-playing games, like FIFA21. It is considered that there is addiction to video games when the player engages in this type of occupation excessively, that is to say from about thirty hours per week, much more than the time devoted by hardcore gamers – or big players – to their passion, namely between 18 and 20 hours per week.

Spotting a video game addiction

There are certain signs that should alert parents, as the symptoms of video game addiction are usually always the same.

For example, suddenly declining school results, a lack of interest in any other type of activity but also in social relations (friends and family). In fact, playing video games as part of an addiction takes up most of the time, since the subject is unable to reduce the time he devotes to games.

This to the detriment of other activities that he was passionate about, such as sport, cinema, music, the visual arts or simply going out with friends. The youngsters tend to isolate themselves and no longer wish to leave their home.

When you see changes in behavior in your child, it is important to investigate the source. This can be totally foreign to the passion for video games.

Video game addiction: the risks

We can see repercussions on his sleep because the addicted player tends to play even at night, thus shortening his rest time. Sometimes addiction can also affect their diet.

A fragile person who has an addiction to video games risks, in the absence of support, sooner or later to find himself in a state of mental suffering and great loneliness. This results in obvious discomfort. In rare cases, a video game addict can become extremely sad or aggressive.

If nothing is done to enable him to break with his addiction, the young person is gradually exposed to school failure and to desocialization. He can, in the more or less long term, lose his self-esteem.

Video game addiction: adopting the right reaction

Video game addiction can have significant repercussions on the mental and physical health of young pathological gamers, but it is still uncommon. Reacting as quickly as possible is essential to limit the impact of this dependence. The gambling addict cannot limit himself. On the other hand, the control of the time spent playing must be carried out by the parents.

It is essential that they establish a dialogue with their child, during which video games must be approached without taboos. This is also a good solution to take an interest in this very current phenomenon and show your child that you share his interest. Above all, it is necessary to avoid power struggles.

A video game like FIFA 21 can be positive if it is perfectly suited to the age of the child or teenager, and the time allotted to it is reasonable.

Its practice should not interfere with family life, schooling, sleep time and leisure time. It can also be an activity to share with the family. When the young person is playing alone, it is desirable that the space reserved for video games be located in areas of the dwelling reserved for the whole family. In this way, the young person does not find himself isolated in front of his screen and it is easier to limit the time spent on this activity.

Parents in need of their child’s early addiction to video games can turn to their doctor. The young person can then be taken care of by a psychologist specializing in addictological practices. This is useful if the youngster is a pathological gambler, which is fortunately uncommon.

In fact, addictive behavior is much more common in adults than in young people. Be that as it may, when we are dealing with an extreme case, it is better to opt for the referral of the young person to a specialist in the behavioral problem of adolescents and children.

Preventing video game addiction involves establishing real, but not drastic, rules: there is no question of banning access to video games. Thirty to sixty minutes a day, depending on the age of the child or teenager, is perfectly reasonable and safe play time.

The fascinating world of dreams

dreamingDreaming is a night activity that can last anywhere from 10 minutes to over an hour. This myterious production of the brain during our sleep has always intrigued us, and it still keeps most of its mysteries.

We talk a lot about the interpretation of dreams, their function and their particular forms like the nightmare, the premonitory dream or the lucid dream. But what do we know exactly about the dream, scientifically?

During its functioning, the brain emits brain waves which it is possible to pick up with electrodes. Once analyzed, they can offer information about a patient’s condition or movements. Are these signals universal or specific to each of us?

Dreams and nightmares make up our sleep. Immerse yourself in the brain in a dream world and discover why we sometimes dream during our sleep.

What is the point of dreaming

In order to understand dreams, we must first understand how the brain operates.

The brain is the seat of dreams, with billions of interconnected neurons.

Like conscious thought, the dream sits in the heart of the brain, this conductor of the human body. A full description of the composition of this complex and highly organized organ could be lengthy, so let’s try to make it short.

The brain, protected by the skull

The brain is arguably the most protected organ in the human body. In fact, it is enclosed in the skull and is surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid. This double protective envelope aims to protect it from the vagaries of life. This is because the brain is fragile: at the slightest shock, a little violent, it risks undergoing irreparable damage.

The brain has two hemispheres. Inside this box that is the skull is the brain which is not the smooth, round egg that we sometimes imagine. It is composed of two clearly defined parts: the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere, linked together by a structure called corpus callosum.

Each of these hemispheres is divided into four lobes:

  • at the front is the frontal lobe;
  • just behind is stuck the parietal lobe;
  • as their name suggests, the temporal lobes are located on each side, at the level of the temples;
  • the occipital lobe occupies the back of the brain.

On the surface of these two hemispheres is the cortex. This grayish structure, which contains the famous gray matter, measures about two millimeters in thickness and two square meters in terms of surface. To fit in the brain, it is therefore folded in on itself, in several layers. This is what explains the convolutions visible on the surface of a human brain. It is estimated that it is within this cortex that most of human intellectual thinking and communication-related functions take place.

Composition of the brain

In addition to these two hemispheres, the central nervous system also includes several structures:

  • the thalamus, hypothalamus and brainstem manage the basic needs (breathing, eating, perceiving the five senses);
  • the cerebellum takes care of the movements;
  • the spinal cord acts as a relay between the rest of the body and the brain. It brings up information from all areas of the body and disseminates the information communicated by the brain.



All of these structures are made up of very specific cells: neurons. They specialize in transmitting information from one place to another. Some of these cells go up the sensations perceived by our five senses, others on the contrary transmit orders from our brain to our organism, for example: breathe, eat, move the little finger of the right hand.

When we dream the brain activity is very similar to what when are awake. Dreams use the same mechanism, except that the body has no motion when we dream of moving. And our consciousness is not active.

Dream interpretation is a field that has been gaining in popularity recent with the rise of neuroscience. Indeed scientific studies are conducted that analyze neuron activity during the sleep. According to dream experts, our knowledge about the meaning of dreams as never evolved so fast in the past, thanks to modern technology.

Pollution in Florida

Tampa beachJust when tourists are fleeing the chilly north to get their fix of sunshine, some of Florida’s famous beaches are being flooded not with visitors, but with polluted water from the interior of the state cities.

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection is the state’s lead agency for environmental management and stewardship – protecting the air, water and land. The vision of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection is to create strong community partnerships, safeguard Florida’s natural resources and enhance its ecosystems. The agency works in cooperation with the Florida Section of the American Water Works Association (FS/AWWA), the Florida Water Environment Association (FWEA), the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), the Florida Department of Health and the Florida Educational System.

The Florida office is dedicated to curbing the widespread contamination of Florida waters by sewage, fertilizer, and manure. This pollution, which contains high levels of phosphorus and nitrogen that skew the natural balance of aquatic ecosystems, results in toxic algae outbreaks that cover waterways with green slime and cause rashes, breathing problems, stomach disorders, and even death.

Groundwater in the Floridan Aquifer is the source for more than 1,000 springs in North and Central Florida. It also provides water for over 90 percent of the people who live there. Even though this water lies hundreds of feet below the ground, it is unfortunately not entirely protected from sources of pollution at the surface.

Research suggests that, even at safe levels, air pollutants can harm your health. By 2010, the Clean Air Act of 1970 called for the U.S. to reduce total emissions of six principal air pollutants by more than 41 percent. From a recent official report Florida has a water pollution problem, and some Tampa Bay companies are among the worst offenders. In the last 21 months, according to Environment Florida, polluters have violated the Clean Air Act a number of times.

This is why it is so important to have waste management services in place in Florida, so that they can help residents and businesses with their junk removal and hazardous materials disposal requirements. They can rent a bin or a roll-off dumpster container so that they can discard all their junk in one go. Note that is case of hazardous materials, state and federal laws may apply so such toxic substance that could be dangerous to the ecosystem.

The Florida Senate has passed a bill that would require the state Department of Environmental Protection to promptly notify the public after a pollution spill occurs. Phosphorus pollution is surging in Florida waterways and across North America according to scientists. A new study finds coastal waters and water supplies along a fifth of U.S. coasts are vulnerable to pollution from hidden underground water transfers between oceans and land.

The Suwannee River Basin is North Florida’s most egregious example of agricultural-induced nutrient pollution and algae proliferation. Intensive agriculture and silviculture are the dominant reasons while pollution and hazardous waste accumulation is increasing. Since enterococcus bacteria are indicators of the same types of pollution as fecal coliform bacteria, this did not affect the safety of Florida Residents. At this time sampling in the northern parts of the state is also suspended during the winter months, November through February.


Pollution in Kentucky

Whether you know Kentucky as “Bluegrass State” for rolling hills and down-home music, “Bourbon Country” for its distilleries in Bardstown and Frankfort, “Horse Country” for its racing parks and breeder farms in Lexington, Louisville and Keeneland, there’s a nice Kentucky hotel to fit your travel needs. So come and visit!

Air Quality

The American Lung Association’s 2019 “State of the Air” report found the Louisville/Bardstown metro region ranked 26th as the most polluted city in the nation for ozone (smog) pollution. The region experienced more high ozone days and retained the ranking it received last year. According to the Air Quality Index, Kentucky’s overall air quality is good, although people with respiratory illnesses should be aware that Louisville and other Ohio Valley cities and towns can be hard on the lungs in the peak of summer.

Like most states, much of Kentucky’s pollution comes from familiar sources such as industrial activity and transportation. However, some regional pollution sources, such as mining, cause potential health hazards. Kentucky is number one on a list of the states with the most toxic air pollution from power plants. The Natural Resources Defense Council analyzed the data self-reported by industries in the toxicity report.

The practice of surface mining coal in the state of Kentucky is devastating to our health, environment, and ultimately our quality of life. Surface coal mining sucks money out of our state while destroying the mountains and polluting the water. Coal ash pollution from a pond at the Brown Power Station seeps into Herrington Lake according to the Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection. This segment is part of The State of Science, a series featuring science stories from public radio stations across the United States.

There are important uncertainties associated with using models to predict current air quality. Scorecard risk estimates are based on EPA exposure estimates and provide a perspective on the magnitude and sources of hazardous air pollution problems. Note they are not definitive evaluations of health risk in a particular locale.

Air pollution in Louisville is controlled by both laws and regulations. Laws are the acts, statutes, and ordinances passed by elected officials to govern an issue. For example, the Clean Air Act is a federal law that governs air pollution. Regarding the State of Kentucky’s Environment Executive Summary, the Environmental Quality Commission has been preparing the “State of Kentucky’s Environment: A Report of Progress and Problems.” The report was mandated by the legislature to assess environmental trends and conditions in the state.

That is why it is important the both the state and the residents learn how to better deal with waste management and junk removal. If unwanted garbage and litter is removed more efficiently, this will improve the quality of the air. People can use dumpster rentals in Louisville in order to dispose of all such items including hazardous materials that are detrimental to the environmnet.

The Air Pollution Control District monitors the local air and reports the daily air quality using the Air Quality Index as a guide. Check their site for more forecast information as well as on the AQI and on how you can be better informed about local air quality.

Water Quality

Water Quality in Kentucky is not as good as we hope. Kentucky has 13 major river basins containing over 89,400 miles of streams. More than 400 miles of streams have been designated outstanding resource waters and one hundred fourteen miles of nine streams have been designated wild rivers.

Through surface water testing around coal mines, citizens become better informed about threats to their water and their health, and are empowered to address water pollution issues. In a first stop in Benham, Ky. to meet with several members of Kentuckians for the Commonwealth who live in the area, many of them were born in the area, and thought pollution had increased over time.

Based on federal water quality standards, the Commonwealth of Kentucky’s Division of Water sets the uses designated for Beargrass Creek and monitors its progress in meeting specific water quality standards. Based on these standards, the Kentucky Division of Water (KDOW) classifies all three forks of Beargrass Creek as not meeting the minimum requirement.
