Injuries That Cause an Ankle Sprain

Ankle sprains are the most common sports injuries but can also happen during normal daily activities. An ankle sprain happens when the ankle joint, which connects the bones of the lower leg with the foot, is injured. The ligaments surrounding the ankle are stretched or torn when you accidentally twist or turn your ankle in an unnatural way.

There are two types of ankle injuries: inversion and eversion injuries. Inversion injuries are the most common and happen when the foot rolls inward. Eversion injuries, on the other hand, don’t occur often. It is also known as a high ankle sprain and happens when the foot twists outward.

Causes of an Ankle Sprain

A sprain occurs when the ligaments of your ankle are forced to stretch beyond their normal range of motion. This forces your ankle joint out of its normal position, turning the foot inward or inverted. Ankle sprains can happen to anyone irrespective of age. This kind of injury often happens in the following ways:

Stepping on an uneven surface – walking or running on irregular surfaces like an uneven terrain or a field with holes, can cause you to twist your ankle.

Awkwardly landing on your foot – you can twist your ankle when jumping or pivoting, stepping up or down, running, or when doing simple tasks like getting out of bed.

Participating in sports – you can twist your ankle when participating in sports activities that require rolling, jumping, cutting action or twisting of the foot. These include playing soccer, basketball, football, tennis, and trail running. Also, someone could step or land on your foot when playing. You are taking a risk with sports ankle support.

Engaging in physical activity or doing exercises – you can sprain your ankle when exercising, running, hiking or climbing.

Wearing improper shoes – ill-fitting shoes or shoes that aren’t fit for physical activity like high-heels can cause you to twist your ankle.

How to Know if You Have an Ankle Sprain

When you sprain your ankle, tissues surrounding the ankle are injured which causes inflammation. Depending on the severity of the injury you will experience pain especially when you try to stand on the affected foot. You may also experience swelling, bruising and tenderness as well as instability in the ankle and a restricted range of motion.

Home Treatments for an Ankle Sprain

In most cases, an ankle sprain isn’t severe. However, before making any home care decisions, it is advisable to speak to your doctor first.  If you have a mild sprain, you may be able to treat it at home.  The RICE method is the recommended way of dealing with a sprained ankle at home.  RICE stands for rest, ice, compress and elevate.

 Rest – you need to rest your ankle and avoid putting any weight on your foot. If you don’t want to limp or hop around, you can use crutches.

Ice – For the first two days after injury, ice your ankle for 20 to 30 minutes every day to reduce swelling.

Compress – wrap the ankle gently, not tightly. You can use an elastic bandage or wear a brace to support the ankle

Elevate – for the first 48 hours, raise your foot higher than your heart when lying down to increase blood flow.

When to See a Doctor

Go to the emergency room if you are in a lot of pain, bleeding, and the ankle is severely swollen, numb or has changed color. If your ankle seems dislocated or deformed and you can’t put any weight on it, you should see a doctor.

Spraining your ankle is painful and can take a while to heal. So be careful when exercising, wear the correct shoes for an activity, pay attention to surfaces you are walking on and warm up before exercising. If you sprain your ankle, be sure to call your doctor because if left untreated, an ankle sprain can lead to instability and long-term pain.

avoid injuries

5 Tips For Healthy and Shiny Hair

Hair, most of us possess it, but not all of us love the way it looks.

For many women, it is their crowning glory. Having a healthy and glossy hair can make you feel beautiful. The problem is, most of the shampoos and conditioners sold in the market use the same chemicals that can only work temporarily.

Fortunately, there is a myriad of tips, tricks, and hacks to help you tame your frizz and keep your hair strong and shiny. You don’t have to see a professional hair stylist to do them. Here are 5 ways to achieve gorgeous hair.

Wash Your Hair The Right Way

Shampooing is simple, right? The instructions are typical – you just need to lather, rinse and repeat.

But the truth is, this process is not for everyone. Each person has a distinct set of hair. But the right way to wash your hair to squirt some shampoo on your palms. Make sure it is about the size of a quarter. Next, you need to lather them on your palms and start massaging them into your roots.

Give your roots a good massage, there’s no need to scrub the ends of your hair. After about 2 minutes, you can rinse the shampoo off and apply your conditioner from the midsection of your hair.

Allow it to sit for at least three minutes and give it another rinse. When you towel your hair, avoid rubbing it vigorously. Instead, squeeze it gently with a dry towel and avoid combing it while it is still wet.

Choose Natural Oils

Once your hair is dry, find a thick brush and start brushing your hair from the tips to the ends. Your scalp produces its own natural oils which will help keep your hair shiny. Skip the hair-shimmering products that promise you shiny hair. They could be doing more harm than good. –

For people with curly locks, using argan oil is excellent in keeping the hair shiny without adding any chemicals that can cause skin breakouts. Find natural hair care products that contain natural oils like avocado and Moroccan oil.

Take Your Vitamins and Supplements

Experts say that vitamin E helps boost hair growth. Some people would even take vitamin E oil and apply it on their scalp to make the hair thicker and healthier. Another supplement that is great for your hair is fish oil.

They are rich in omega-3 and antioxidants that can keep your hair, skin, and nails look healthy. So on your next visit to Whole Foods, make sure to grab some of these vitamins and supplements.

Be Generous With The Conditioner

This applies to those who have thick curly hair. Because of how curly strands are shaped, it takes a while for the natural oils on the scalp to reach the ends of the curls – which makes the locks look dry and broken.

If they are not conditioned well, they can lead to split-ends. To bring a little more shine, be generous when using your conditioner, especially on the ends of your hair.

Use Natural Hair Masks

Hair masks are products sold in the market that can help you deep condition your hair. One of the most effective yet natural products to use is coconut oil. You just need to massage it from roots to tips and leave it on for a night. The following day, you just need to clean your hair off with shampoo and just skip the conditioner.

You can also use fresh coconut milk, heat it up to a creamy consistency and let it cool down, but don’t let it get too cold. Use it while it’s still warm and apply the same procedure. Leave it on for a night and wash it off in the morning.

As a rule of thumb, avoid any hair care products that contain sulfates. They can damage your hair and make it look dry, dull and brittle. Furthermore, a sulfate-based shampoo makes it difficult for your hair to style. On top of eating a nutritious diet, follow the five tips above and your hair will surely stay healthy.

shinny hair