The fascinating world of dreams

dreamingDreaming is a night activity that can last anywhere from 10 minutes to over an hour. This myterious production of the brain during our sleep has always intrigued us, and it still keeps most of its mysteries.

We talk a lot about the interpretation of dreams, their function and their particular forms like the nightmare, the premonitory dream or the lucid dream. But what do we know exactly about the dream, scientifically?

During its functioning, the brain emits brain waves which it is possible to pick up with electrodes. Once analyzed, they can offer information about a patient’s condition or movements. Are these signals universal or specific to each of us?

Dreams and nightmares make up our sleep. Immerse yourself in the brain in a dream world and discover why we sometimes dream during our sleep.

What is the point of dreaming

In order to understand dreams, we must first understand how the brain operates.

The brain is the seat of dreams, with billions of interconnected neurons.

Like conscious thought, the dream sits in the heart of the brain, this conductor of the human body. A full description of the composition of this complex and highly organized organ could be lengthy, so let’s try to make it short.

The brain, protected by the skull

The brain is arguably the most protected organ in the human body. In fact, it is enclosed in the skull and is surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid. This double protective envelope aims to protect it from the vagaries of life. This is because the brain is fragile: at the slightest shock, a little violent, it risks undergoing irreparable damage.

The brain has two hemispheres. Inside this box that is the skull is the brain which is not the smooth, round egg that we sometimes imagine. It is composed of two clearly defined parts: the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere, linked together by a structure called corpus callosum.

Each of these hemispheres is divided into four lobes:

  • at the front is the frontal lobe;
  • just behind is stuck the parietal lobe;
  • as their name suggests, the temporal lobes are located on each side, at the level of the temples;
  • the occipital lobe occupies the back of the brain.

On the surface of these two hemispheres is the cortex. This grayish structure, which contains the famous gray matter, measures about two millimeters in thickness and two square meters in terms of surface. To fit in the brain, it is therefore folded in on itself, in several layers. This is what explains the convolutions visible on the surface of a human brain. It is estimated that it is within this cortex that most of human intellectual thinking and communication-related functions take place.

Composition of the brain

In addition to these two hemispheres, the central nervous system also includes several structures:

  • the thalamus, hypothalamus and brainstem manage the basic needs (breathing, eating, perceiving the five senses);
  • the cerebellum takes care of the movements;
  • the spinal cord acts as a relay between the rest of the body and the brain. It brings up information from all areas of the body and disseminates the information communicated by the brain.



All of these structures are made up of very specific cells: neurons. They specialize in transmitting information from one place to another. Some of these cells go up the sensations perceived by our five senses, others on the contrary transmit orders from our brain to our organism, for example: breathe, eat, move the little finger of the right hand.

When we dream the brain activity is very similar to what when are awake. Dreams use the same mechanism, except that the body has no motion when we dream of moving. And our consciousness is not active.

Dream interpretation is a field that has been gaining in popularity recent with the rise of neuroscience. Indeed scientific studies are conducted that analyze neuron activity during the sleep. According to dream experts, our knowledge about the meaning of dreams as never evolved so fast in the past, thanks to modern technology.

Signs of Aging and Therapies

Aging can be defined as our body decline and wear as time goes by.  Some of these things are caused by our own bodies whereas the others are accrued as a result of time.  In itself, getting old is a mixture of changes occurring in our bodies as well as the effects of what we do with them.

The effects of time on our body normally occur on many levels.

Cellular Aging

In this case, cells age according to the number of times which they have  duplicated and a cell is capable of replicating about 50 times prior to getting to the point where the genetic material  cannot be duplicated accurately due to the shortening of telomeres. This means that as damage to your cells increases via free radicals and various factors, there is dire need for your cells to replicate.

Hormonal aging

Hormones are undoubtedly a big player in the aging process in growth from childhood, adolescence and maturity.  There is a continuous lifelong change in hormonal levels that lead to menopause plus other changes associated with age.

Metabolic aging

As you go about your daily activities, your cells convert food to energy thereby producing by-products which are potentially destructive.  The metabolism process coupled with the creation of energy tends to cause harm to our body as time goes by.  It is believed by some experts that there may be a slowdown in aging in humans if the metabolic process is also slowed by means of practices like calorie constraint.

Accrued damage

Harmful diets, the sunlight’s UV radiation, toxins and pollution affect our bodies.  Such toxins can cause tissue damage, thus making it difficult for the body to maintain and repair your cells, tissues as well as organs.

There are numerous aging signs and symptoms, most of which develop slowly.  They are varied, but it should be noted that diagnosing aging singularly on the basis of isolated signs and symptoms is impracticable.  There exists broadly varying degrees of such signs and symptoms in different people and among them are:

  • A general decrease in energy and dynamism
  • Variations in sleeping patterns
  • An inclination to easily tire out
  • Reduced memory
  • Variations in behavior
  • Variations in menstrual cycle
  • Changes in hair (such as hair loss) and skin, like loss of skin elasticity, brown blemishes on the skin and creases
  • Variations in hair color
  • Loss or reduced vision and hearing
  • Changes in the functioning of bowels
  • Belly obesity and difficulties in losing weight
  • Urinary complications like trickling, incontinence and variations in the rate of urination
  • A decline in libido
  • Sexual dysfunction

A large number of people tend to develop some of the degenerative ailments that are associated with aging which include the following:

  • Arthritis
  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • Cancer
  • Stroke
  • Heart attack
  • Cataracts
  • Glaucoma
  • Hearing loss
  • Osteoporosis
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Alzheimer’s disease

All these conditions are painful and many patients suffer along with their family.  They are also economically very costly.

Presently, there are several anti-aging therapies on the market, which allegedly, are helpful in combating symptoms that are related with age and eliminate some of the side-effects.  However, one needs to be careful in the choice of any one of them because some can end up being harmful.

The latest anti-aging therapy caused a big stir when it hit the market and was recommended by medical experts as capable of slowing the process of aging.  The HGH, which is short for Human Growth Hormone, is a very significant hormone that exists in the human body, among others, with the pituitary gland which is situated under the brain managing its secretion.  It is significant in the process of growth in children and teenagers and also in the entire regenerative actions occurring in the bodies of grownups.  Without it, the repair of tissues, cells and organs in our body is not possible.

Anti-aging therapy to augment hormone levels

After the age of thirty, your pituitary gland yields reduced human growth hormone.  This is what leads in deficiency in hormone growth and several disorders in the body that includes the beginning of aging.  Thus, the compensation of low HGH levels in the blood can be achieved through the use of HGH releasers.  It may be possible to reinstate the production of the growth hormones needed by the body by using this kind of natural anti-aging therapy.

This growth hormone is credited for allowing the body organs to function normally once more with no health complications, helping the whole body to repair any damages and overwhelm any disease rapidly and in a more efficient manner.  You will be able to enjoy your night sleep and your general mood will receive a boost.  This natural HGH therapy has the ability to enhance memory, decrease wrinkles and age spots, increase muscle mass and help in losing extra weight.

You should beware of artificially made anti-aging treatments containing HGH that may not work for you after all.  The natural anti-aging HGH treatments are effective and safe with negligible or no side-effects.


Best Forms of Exercise in Your Forties

According to recent research results, a person’s 45th year is a critical time as far as decline in health is concerned. People who do not take care of their health by choosing to eat junk food and maintaining a sedentary lifestyle are more likely to develop complications by the time they reach the age of 45 and older. In some extreme cases, health decline may even occur at an earlier age. Also, according to World Health Organization, 45 is the start of middle age.


People who do not change lifestyle habits to slow down the body’s natural decline are at a higher risk of diabetes, heart problems, and certain forms of cancer. As it is the time when there is a decrease in muscle mass and fat deposits start to build-up, it is important to have a few regular workouts that can be integrated into your busy schedule.

  • TRX Training – The best thing about this trainer is that it is simply made of nylon straps with handles. It can be easily packed in a small bag so you can attach it through a tree or a door. It’s a simple, but very useful tool as it can be used to perform full-body exercises almost anywhere. As for the intensity of this workout, this trainer also allows you to progress slowly to avoid injuries.

Most people in their forties have stayed long enough in their office spaces sitting in front of the computer that their range of motion and flexibility are limited. This trainer addresses that problem.

  • Tai Chi – Beginning a new exercise routine after years of being sedentary is not an easy task. This is why the gentle and meditative movements of tai chi is great for people who are struggling with starting a new workout routine. Studies have backed its benefits in lowering blood pressure and stress while improving balance and mental focus.

A lot of people above 40 have not done any form of exercise in years. If this is the case, jumping into extreme exercise will have adverse effects. Tai chi offers enough challenge for beginners and provides positive effects to the mind and body.

  • Pilates – This exercise became popular among celebrities for a reason. It is a full body workout that improves strength and flexibility. To top it off, the philosophy to which the founder of this exercise adheres to fits middle aged people. According to Joseph Pilates, it is better to have few exercises that have been executed properly than going for more repetitions until the muscle fibers break down.
  • Yoga – Aside from helping retain flexibility and balance, yoga has been proven to have mental benefits as well. It is great for stress management, muscle and joint fluidity, and building and maintaining strength.
  • Stand-Up Paddle Boarding – According to stand-up paddle boarding instructors, this activity accomplishes three must-haves for a physical activity. One, it provides mental stimulation as you have to navigate your way. Second, it meets most people’s level of physical fitness as it is not an arduous type of workout. And finally, it can be easily integrated to your lifestyle given that it is technically leisurely paddling.

Aside from these workouts, people in their forties are advised to practice active living. One way of doing this is to rely less on cars for transportation and opt for auto-free ways such as biking or walking whenever possible.

One way of looking at this period is by taking it as an opportunity to involve the whole family into your fitness routine. Going for quick walks with your pet, biking with your spouse and children, and spending a weekend with friends paddle boarding are some of the things you can do to stay fit and connected with your family and friends.
